Just results. No setup fees or contracts.

How Refund Ninja works

All you need to do is signing up and entering your shipping accounts credentials once.
We will track and monitor all your shipments.
If a package is late, we will open a claim for you and make sure you receive your refund.

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    We have been saving thousands of dollars a month. As importantly, it is so simple to work with RefundNinja. It’s frictionless, just as promised." -Daron, President, TechDev

    David Parrelli @dparrelli
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    "The results have been great, the amount of money we have received back is more than anticipated."

    Working Nomads @workingnomads
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    "I wish I had started with RefundNinja much earlier so I wouldn’t have left so much money on the table."

    David Parrelli @dparrelli
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    "Refund Ninja got over $10,000 back for us last year."

    Working Nomads @workingnomads
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    "It is not worth doing this tedious work yourself. RefundNinja saves time and allows you to concentrate on your business."

    David Parrelli @dparrelli
  • avatar

    "We had no time to get these refunds before. RefundNinja is like having free insurance without paying any premium. It is a no-brainer."

    Working Nomads @workingnomads
We absolutely do not charge you nothing until we recover your money back. After you recieve your refund back from your carier we charge you %50 of the refund.

Get started today. It's free to try!

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